ERTH Beverage Co.
About ERTH Beverage Co.
ERTH Beverage Company makes honey sweetened sparkling switchels and botanical sodas. We use only ethically sourced ingredients from as close to home as possible. Our focus in on providing a beverage experience that is functional, inspiring, and delicious while giving back our local community and remaining in harmony with our Earth. We partner with local farmers and choose collaboration over competition while staying on the forefront of the creative functional beverage sector. We strive to bring an innovative and nourishing consumable product that sparks curiosity about not only wellness, but ingredient sourcing, and environmental impact to assist our patrons in incorporating these concepts into their daily lives.
Meet the Founders, Sam & Eric Herrera
Eric and Sam come from eclectic backgrounds of culinary arts, biology, beer brewing, functional medicine, and marketing which came together into a fairytale alchemy of experiences to create ERTH Beverage Company. Our passions are rooted in innovation, inspiration and nourishing our patrons while giving back to the people around us and caring for this beautiful living breathing rock that we live on.